We have slimmed down so much we have to buy an entirely new wardrobe

Hey healthy veggie,

Success stories are the ultimate form of satisfaction at Hurry The Food Up. So imagine how happy I was when I woke up one Monday morning a couple of weeks ago with this email from Andi.

Thanks Dave

I have been really happy with the subscription, with your recipes and with the impact on myself and my family of the diet. We have lost weight, gained muscle and are indubitably much fitter and healthier. The high protein meals were the key I needed to unlock my next level of fitness and I've shaved several minutes off my, admittedly still not very impressive, 5k time. I didn't think I was particularly unfit or overweight before, indeed I didn't think that I could ever reach the weight I am now at. I was convinced that my body shape was fixed as I was already pretty fit and active. My only problem now, and that of my partner too, is that we have slimmed down so much we have to buy an entirely new wardrobe! Thanks to all of you for your hard work every week, it has been invaluable. All the best Andi

-Andi Maratos

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
(Trustpilot rating)

I had a huge smile on my face as I read it. And Andi is far from unique when it comes to our meal plans and The Vegetarian Protein Fix.

Quite simply, we take the stress and worry away from what to eat next. Our meal plans are designed with James, our Master’s certified Nutritionist to make sure you eat only the best.

Hauke and I make the food as simple and tasty as possible. We supply all the recipes, shopping lists and knowledge for science-backed weight loss - in the easiest way there is.

To put it another way - follow our easy meal plans, master your mindset (also included in The Vegetarian Protein Fix) and see results like Andi’s.

BFFS Forever

We rarely do this, but as it’s Black Friday here’s a coupon code for 16% off anything site-wide. Just add BFFSFOREVER at the checkout and we’ll do the rest.

Get your health started and under control (it’s easier than you think with us) and you’ll get into January with a huge head start and still get to enjoy December and Christmas without worrying about it!

See you in there


PS. if you don’t want any more emails about this offer just click here :)

PPS. The code will only work until Monday.

And finally, numerous media channels have showcased our recipes and James' nutritional knowledge over the years, including...

As Seen On


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